Funding Organization: Japan Nagao Natural Environment Foundation (NEF)
Participants: Project Leader: Sakkouna Phommavongsa, PhD. Student
Secretary: Nguyen Phan Hoang Anh, Research Student
Scientific Advisor: Vu Quang Manh, Professor, PhD, DSc
(1) Study on habitat types and distribution of the giant water bug species L. indicus included in the Red Data Book of Vietnam since 1992, used as an ancient and popular dish in Vietnam, Lao PDR and other SE Asian countries.
(2) Determine the species taxonomic status of the giant water bug populations indicus distributed in Vietnam and Laos, Thailand and Cambodia.
(3) Study the behavioral activities, especially nutritional and reproductive behaviors, serving as the scientific basis for trials of breeding and sustainable conservation of this rare and precios aquatic insect species indicus.
1. Project Team & Research objective
2. Field Study
3. Laboratory Study
4. Conservation Study
5. Initial result:
Sakkouna Phommavongsa, Manh Quang Vu* and Phan Hoang Anh Nguyen, 2022: Species status of populations of Lethocerus indicus (Lepeletier and Serville, 1825) (Heteroptera: Belostomatidae) in Southeast Asia. The Pan- Pacific Entomologist, 98(3):205–214.